CISCO TFTP ERROR CODE 11 RECEIVED - 18025 Seems like there is an extra TFTP service running on Windows, possibly conflicting with TFTP32. Would you mind stopping it and trying again? Windows 7 TFTP: error code 11 received - 18025 or %Error opening tftp:// Objective : Copy my switches/routers running-config to TFTP server(which is on my laptop) Error : TFTP: error code 11 received - 18025 Attempts : Login to another workstation that's on the same LAN, DLed the TFTPd64 application and successfully utilizes the TFTP to copy the running-config file of the switch. Then I know it's SOMETHING on my computer. Solution : That something is the "WinAgents TFTP Service 4" service started automatically, so I had to disable that service. WOOHOO the TFTP is working again! Note : The solution fits my environment, so it may helped you out and it may not. Which I hope it will. And then you see msg like this... Router# Router#copy flash: tftp: ...
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